Leading Commission Terms
Our Franchisees are much more than just a franchisee – they are our business partners. We share a mutual interest in ensuring that their businesses are successful and it’s imperative therefore that our Franchisees benefit from the very best terms in the market and are always fully incentivised.
How You Make Money As A Franchisee
As a Franchisee you will be granted all the necessary privileges to trade within the travel industry and sell travel. These holidays and travel bookings will produce profits which will then be split between the Franchisee and Head office depending on your commission package, as per your franchise agreement.
Uncapped Earning Potential
Here’s the best bit – there is no limit on how much you can earn and you will never be capped. Your yearly earnings will depend on a variety of factors including whether you decide to do this part-time or full time. With Travelosophers the sky really is the limit and it is very possible, with dedication and determination, to generate earnings well into six figures per year!
Commission Approach
All our travel franchise business options offer a flat commission approach where we will agree with you a fixed percentage commission which will be applied to all your bookings. This approach is typically simpler for you to monitor as the commission split is always the same. Generally, bookings will be paid 8 weeks in advance of departure on a monthly basis, assuming that your clients have paid in full.
When You Get Paid
The timing of payment depends on which commission approach you adopt. If you select the simpler Flat Commission Approach, we will run a statement on monthly basis and capture all bookings departing within 8 weeks of the statement date. Payment to you occurs at the end of the month.