Using Your Own Brand
If you are keen to take advantage of the many benefits of the Travelosophers’ Network but prefer to promote your own unique brand that is no problem. There are some key differences that you must be aware of if you do not use the Travelsophers brand for your business . If you are an existing travel agency owner please refer to our Agency Owner page instead.

How does it work?
You can use your own brand name alongside any of the following packages.

Key Considerations
Still Part of the Travelosophers Network
All our franchisees form part of the Travelosophers network. That is to say that even if you use your own brand name, you will still be listed as part of the Travelosophers community on our consumer-facing website and your own brand name can co-exist within our network.
Extra responsibility
An important consideration, however, is that we do not provide “own-brand” specific support or services. We will of course, offer you advice and guidance, but ultimately your brand, together with any marketing materials, will be your sole responsibility.